Go Bold With Gold at Luxe Grillz
14K gold grillz is a top choice for any discerning person who wants to stay on the frontlines of fashion. When it comes to purity and affordability, this type of gold provides the best of both worlds and will last for years. Choose a yellow gold Top 8 diamond grillz for a hard-to-miss smile, or go with a white gold Bottom Fang Grillz for the ultimate touch of class. We use only solid gold and either natural or lab-created diamonds depending on your preference and budget. Get your bling on, literally, at Luxe Grillz today!
A Grillz Custom Fit For YOU
You’ve wanted a personalized grillz for a while now, and your moment has come! All that’s standing between you and your grillz is a FaceTime consultation. Use the consult to share with us your grillz vision (feel free to send us images of what you’re dreaming up). We’ll then create a 3D grillz rendering so you can see what your grillz will look like. The next steps include fabricating your grillz and sending it to you within 7-10 days. You can’t ask for an easier way to upgrade your smile.

Partner With Luxe Grillz
At Luxe Grillz, we realize that the grillz industry is predominantly associated with hip-hop culture. We want to change that. We believe that people of all ages and walks of life deserve to experience the beauty and power of grillz. That’s why we’ve made getting 14K grillz effortless with our relatively affordable prices and user-friendly website. Order today!
Bottom Gold Grillz For the Win
Our bottom 10 grillz come in multiple styles, including 10K, 14K, or 18K gold. Choose white, rose, or yellow gold depending on your preference, or get grillz in all three options to fit your outfits and moods. We also create bottom grillz covered with diamond dust or cuts. Create a top-and-bottom gold grillz combo for double the bling. If you can dream it up, we can work it out at Luxe Grillz!

Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I choose white gold 14K grillz?
White gold features gold and palladium, platinum, or silver. Grillz made using this type of gold will immediately elevate your smile since they’re shiny and easily match any ensemble. These grillz are great at reflecting light, so they’re the best choice for whitening and brightening your smile’s appearance. A white gold grillz also won’t tarnish, making it a smart investment.
What’s the benefit of wearing bottom grillz?
Bottom 14K gold teeth are the best choice if you’re going for a subtle grillz look. Most people mainly show their top teeth when speaking or slightly smiling. With bottom grillz, your grillz may not always be visible when doing these things, but this also serves as a great way to surprise others who may not realize you have grillz throughout everyday activities.