Join the Luxe Grillz Family of Dentists!
Join the Luxe Grillz family of dentists who provide their clients with perfectly-fitting custom grillz, permanent diamond crowns, aligner grillz, and more!

Easy as 1, 2, 3
- Scan your patients teeth (or mail us impressions)
- Add patients' scan & order details to their google drive folder
- Your patient's order should be completed + shipped to your office in 6-10 days

Our Services
Fashionable Removable Grillz
Removable Grillz as Retainers
Permanent Crowns w Diamonds + Gemstones
Removable Grillz use to temporarily cover dental imperfections
Removable Grillz used as teeth-aligners
- Multi-staged alignment treatment (similar to Invisalign) using fashionable grillz to shift teeth, instead of plastic trays
- Patient receives the new aligner grillz for each stage at an in-person checkup with their dentist
- Each aligner grillz will be melted down + recycled after each stage is completed
How To Join the Luxe Grillz Dental Family
Are you ready to increase revenue, appeal to a younger audience, and attract more affluent patients seeking luxury dental care? Join the Luxe Grillz dental family, and lets work together to offer a safe option for patients looking for dental jewelry.